When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 184

Chapter 184


Chapter 184 

“Uncle, don’t move!” Layla screamed frantically.

Originally, Cole wanted to stand up and ask what was Layla trying to do. However, Layla’s shouting gave him a scare, so much so that he paused his movement.

“Uncle, you have grown plenty of gray hairs. Let me get rid of them for you. People might think you are an old man.” Layla took the opportunity and put the hair she pulled into a plastic bag and put it back into her backpack.

After finishing what she was doing, she patted Cole’s shoulder and said, “Alright, I have removed all of it.”

Cole stood up while enduring the pain he felt from his scalp, “Let me see. I don’t remember having gray hairs.”

Layla pointed at the air innocently, “I have already thrown it away. Why do you want to see it? It’s just any normal type of gray hair.”

Cole was speechless.

Layla continued to hurt Cole’s heart by saying, “Your hair is very oily. I need to go wash my hands or else my hands will be stinky.”

After that, Layla left while feeling disgusted after touching Cole’s hair. As Cole watched Layla’s back, he had dozens of questions appearing in his mind. He reached out for his hair to check the status of his hair and scalp. It was unlike what Layla said, his hair was just dry and soft, not oily at all. Why would Layla say his hair was oily? He remembered clearly that he did not have any gray hair.

What a strange little girl. That was the same feeling Cole felt the last time he met Layla. Could it be another conspiracy? With that thought in mind, he quickly took out his phone to check if his phone had been planted with another virus.

Layla trotted towards her brother. She took out the hair to show her brother.

“Am I amazing?” Layla asked proudly.

Hayden was very satisfied with Layla’s performance, “I’ll buy you ice cream.”

“Oh yeah! Will mummy be angry since I skipped kindergarten today?”

It was more fun being out with Hayden than going to the kindergarten. However, Layla was worried that her mother would be upset with her.

Hayden said with a calm face, “No.”

Their mother was aware every time they skipped class. However, their mother had never spoken to or scolded them for skipping. From Hayden’s point of view, kindergarten was too easy and childish for him.

“Hehe! Let’s go buy ice cream. I want chocolate-flavored ice cream!” Layla hugged her brother ‘s arm and smiled brightly.

Hayden put Cole’s hair into his bag and took his sister for ice cream. Fifteen minutes later, the two children were sitting down having ice cream.

“What should we do if our father is Elliot?” Layla looked worried, “Mummy said he would strangle us.”

Hayden said, “Don’t worry. I will protect you.”

“Are we going to call him daddy? Didn’t you say he is very wealthy?” Layla was confused.

Hayden answered, “No.”

Looking at Elliot’s house, Shea was recovering pretty well after her surgery. Other than experiencing headaches and refusing to eat, she was pretty quiet most of the time. Mrs. Cooper took care of her with extra caution.

It was only on the third day that Shea started to trust Mrs. Cooper a little. Although Shea still did not talk to Mrs. Cooper, she would accept the food and water Mrs. Cooper gave her.

Mrs. Cooper was curious about the relationship between Elliot and Shea. Due to her professionalism, she did not dare to ask anything. Of all the years Mrs. Cooper had worked for Elliot, this was the first time she saw Elliot being so tender, caring, and spoilt towards a woman.

It was different from the way Elliot treated Avery and Zoe. Although he was good to the both of them, the way he treated Shea was more like a parental type of love. He was at his most tender loving moment when he was with Shea. Whereas, Elliot fought with Avery most of the time they were together. Perhaps it was because Shea’s IQ was below average and that caused Elliot to be more patient with her, Mrs. Cooper thought. “Play outside,” Shea requested after her headache eased.

